Monday, August 20, 2012

Ta Da!

The living room looks amazing! I love it! It looks much more organized and clean. Actually cleaning is a lot easier now too! I eliminated a lot of clutter and bulk and even created a faux office in my living room! Not too complicated!  I must admit most of the great ideas came from my sister. She has just always had a different way of looking at things. So with that chore all done it was time to scratch one more item off my list; date night with my hubby. We wanted to go out to dinner to a restaurant we had never been to before but funds were low and we had to improvise. So we called up a sitter for the kids and had an evening in. We made nachos, (Jose's idea) , and we shared one of those small individual servings of cake they sell at the bakery. It was so relaxing and refreshing. I remember when Jose finally got the kids packed up and left to take them to Grandma's house, I literally started giggling to myself. I felt a little silly at first but  I couldn't stop! I was a great night and we decided we need more of those kinds of nights. We just sat together on the sofa enjoying our quiet and empty house! It was so therapeutic and we really connected. I would recommend it for any young couple with kids. It was cheap, simple and totally worth it! 

Here are the pics of the living room! BEFORE....


 We moved the desk into a new corner of the room and it created a seperate office space in the loving room.
 I unclutered the bookself and left room on the bottom to stash Lili's toys.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Three Weeks to Beautiful!

OK! My sister and I are starting in the living room on Tuesday. We need to start baby-proofing that room anyway because Lili is starting to roll her way around the room and she just can't wait to get her hands on Mommy's breakables! I have been looking all over online and have come up with a few good ideas on how to bring some class and beauty to my home on a next-to-nothing budget. I will take a before and after picture of our project and then those who like it can comment and or suggest new ideas. I have the next three weeks off until the new school year starts and I really want to get the house in order before I go back. Keeping in mind that I rent the trailer I live in I can't paint the walls or anything drastic like that. I would if I could but I did come up with an idea for covering the walls without doing anything permanent. I am going to hang light colored curtains over some ghastly wood panelling in the living room to brighten it up. I am excited about what we will be able to accomplish and I know with my sister's help it will turn out great.(She has always been the organized sister.) Yay! Yay! I can't wait to show you!

Friday, August 3, 2012

When life gets ya down....

Gosh! Keeping things positive is killing me!!! I'm trying to get my life on track and live and be the kind of woman I want to be, but this is getting hard. I have had some very good days but lately the hits just keep on coming. The bills are the most predominant on my mind. Being a school bus driver means that I'm off in the summer. I work a summer school route but that is onlt 9 hours a week. We are barely scraping by this summer and to top it all off the mail just keeps bringing in the bills. This week one got sent to collections and the student loan people are threatening wage garnishments. How do I turn this around and start feeling like I am winning and not failing?
 We are a poor family who barely make ends meat but that doesn't mean I want my family to look or feel that way. I make sure my girls look nice and clean. I have recently decided that just because we are living modestly doesn't mean we have to feel like we are poor. I have found the nicest name brand clothes for my girls from Once Upon a Child. The clothes are in great condition and so many of them are from expensive brands. My girls look great and I have only spent twenty bucks! I just went there and they were having a $1 clearance sale. I bought Lorelai six new outfits! Next I'm going to be working on the house. I have champagne taste on a beer budget but I think I can devise a way to bring high style to my home on a very modest budget. Yes I think I will had that to the list. To start feeling wealthy and then maybe I will bring wealth to me and my family. I will post on what I find.