Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 1

Today is the beginning of an Extreme Makeover! The Katy Aguilar makeover. I am an unfocused 25 year old mother of two, who saw it was time to take my life in my hands and begin an extreme makeover, (sans the hunky carpenters and large tour buses). I live in a tiny town and I live a tiny life. I have never completed a goal I have set for myself and have not had the the drive or the persistance to see anything to it's finality.  I feel my life is missing subtance and I desperately crave richness and happiness. Something I have not yet had the ability or  gumption to acheive. Well, no more! No more Lazy Katy. No more Excuses Katy. No more "wish my life was better" Katy.  I will make my life better! I will stop wishing for things to happen and start making things happen! 

I want more for myself and my family! I want to be an active mom who plays in the yard with my kids, not the slouch I've become on the couch watching TV. I want to start my own buisness and be my own boss, not take orders from people I neither admire or respect. I want to look at myself in the mirror and see the person I see in my mind's eye, not the overweight grump who's always judging me. In order to accomplish all this I have created a list.  These are things that I always tell myself that "one day" I will do. Well, guess what sister, that day is now! And this blog is my record keeper and my cheerleader. I will blog my day to day progress and prove to myself and the world that I can complete anything I put my mind to! Beginning tomorrow the 6th day of July, 2012 ! Here is the the list that I will complete by October 6th, 2012!
1. Say ONE positive thing about myself everyday
2. Say ONE positive thing about someone else everyday
3. Try at least one new food every week
4.Tell my children I love them everyday
5. Begin a fitness routine
6.Prepare a vegitarian only dish once a week.
7. Read one Jane Austen book in it's entirety
8. Host a party or get together for my friends
9. Plan and execute a date night for my husband
10. Begin to learn spanish
11. Contact a long lost friend
12.Start my business plan
13. Wear bright blue eyeshadow
14. Spend one whole day as a blonde
15. Conceptualize and complete one chapter in my book
16.Have a special mother and daughter day with Lorelai
17.Wear a two peice bathing suit to the pool
18.Plan a trip with no destination
19.Let my husband take control of a family outing
20. Bright red lipstick and highheels! We're going dancing!

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